

Ingredients :

  • 100g/kg Robenidine Hydrochloride + 900g/kg Calcium Carbonate

Advantages :

ZAMIDINE 100 is a broad spectrum, synthetic coccidiostat. The active ingredient, robenidine hydrochloride, is the only coccidiostat in use from the guanidine group and is chemically unrelated to any other coccidiostat ZAMIDINE 100 has a wide safety margin and can be utilized effectively in all s easons in shuttle or rotation programs with other coccidiostats.

Mode of action :

Robenidine hydrochl oride is both coccidiostatic and coccidiocidal and is effective against both the first and second stages in the Eimeria lifecycle.

Indications :

For the prevention of coccidiosis in broilers caused by Eimeria species.

Usage :

Prevention: 0.33kg/tonne of finished feed (equivalent to 33ppm robenidine hydrochloride).

As directed by the Nutritionist/Veterinarian.

Packaging :

25 kg bags. Multilayered polyethylene bag to ensure product stability in humid climates.