Powerful Activator for Respiratory Efficiency
Vacci-Boost is a unique feed supplement designed to achieve most efficient take of live vaccine.Vacci-Boost contains special herbal extracts having strong immunomodulating activity.Vacci-Boost also has capacity to neutralize residual chlorine in drinking water and to impart bluecolor to reconstituted vaccine water. This blue color proves to be helpful in monitoring uniform vaccine administration as it remains visible on bird’s beak for atleast 3 to 4 hours post vaccination.
Vacci-Boost is a strongly recommended feed supplement to replace skim milk powder in vaccine water for following reasons:
Skim milk powder | Vacci-Boost |
Only partial neutralization of residual chlorine in water | Complete removal of residual chlorine from water |
Causes lumps hence uniform suspension is not possible | Effervescent readily soluble in water and no lump formation |
May cause choking of nipples and drinker holes leading subsequently to bacterial slime formation | No chocking and no bacterial slime formation |
No known immuno modulating effect | Herbal immuno modulator help in achieving efficient 'take' of vaccine |
Monitoring of uniform vaccine administration is not possible | Imparts blue colour to the bird's beak making the monitoring very easy |
Suggestions for use of Vacci-Boost during drinking water vaccination:
- Flush the drinking water pipeline to remove the pre-formed slime.
- Withhold bird’s drinking water 2 hours prior to vaccine administration.
- Drinking water vaccination is normally recommended during the cool hours of the day e.g. Early in the morning.
- Collect adequate water quantity for vaccination in the over head tank of the shed.
- Mix Vacci-Boost at the rate of 10 gm per 50 liter of water. This will make the water blue in colour.
- Mix require doses of diluted vaccine in the water and run the vaccine water through drinking lines.
- Check the colour of water at initial, middle and last portion of drinking lines.
- Three hours post vaccination, randomly catch 100 birds and check their beaks for blue coloration as an indication of vaccine ‘take’.
- Birds without blue beak are unvaccinated and may be given vaccine with the help of droppers to these birds.
- Vacci-Boost 1 gm per 5 liter of vaccine water.
- or as directed by the Nutritionist/Veterinarian.