Better prevention of Salmonella E.coli & Clostridium
Contains :
- Buffered Organic Acids
- Lactic acid
- Formic acid
- Citric acid
- Fumaric acid
- Citrate
- Essential Oils
Unique Features :
- Quickly reduces the pH value of the gut contents and maintain its acidifier activities throughout the GIT.
- Promotes growth and improve the FCR
- Kills harmful bacteria in poultry feeds and GIT.
- Promotes normal gut micro flora proliferation and maintains gut integrity
- Prevents colonization of enteric pathogens like Salmonella, E. coli and Clostridium.
- Improve performance and productivity.
- Promotes digestive process and enhances nutrient absorption
- Prevents respiratory problem due to increase ammonia level
- Reduce over all medication cost
Application & Dosage :
2 kg per ton of feed regularly
As directed by the Nutritionist/Veterinarian.